ESP Flicker Tremolo

The ESP Flicker trem was available as an option on early wood neck Kramer guitars and offered a better alternative to the vintage trems that were being used at the time. Made in Japan, the Flicker was a good quality non-locking fulcrum type trem that pivoted on a forebar set in front with four screws. Unlike the Rockinger's use of pivot "pins", the ESP utilized two 1/4' "blades" that acted as the giving point of the trem. The saddles were flat and adjustable and the trem itself was available in chrome, black and gold(brass). Kramer lit called it the "Brass Flicker Tremolo" giving the nod it was made of brass although other medals may have been used. By 84, the Flicker option was history. Flickers and Flicker-equipped Kramers are a rare find these days. These trems can also be found on some of the ESP guitars of the same era.

Brass Flicker
Bottom View of a Black Flicker
Up Close - Saddles on the Flicker

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